Image of Five Franciscan Martyrs of  La Florida
Image of Five Franciscan Martyrs of  La Florida

Forms & Guidelines

Annual Report Forms Year 2023 

Annual Report Form For Fraternities - Year 2023 - Cover Letter and Information
Annual Report Form
2021 Expense report template FFMR- Updat[...]
Microsoft Excel sheet [12.5 KB]
Annual Report Form - Year 2023
Form to fill out for year 2023 -
2023 Annual Report form 2-14 (1)send thi[...]
Microsoft Word document [158.7 KB]
Treasurers Annual Report Form - Year 2023
Treasurer report 2023 sent to council (2[...]
Microsoft Word document [18.5 KB]

*NOTE  The Annual Report Form has been removed as it is being revised  due to the Covid Pandemic.

Transfer Form
NAFRA Transfer Form
Transfer Form OFS-USA Oct 19 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [172.7 KB]
Attendance Sheet.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [36.5 KB]
Chapter of Elections Report.doc
Microsoft Word document [32.5 KB]
Confirmation of Definitive[...]
Microsoft Word document [43.0 KB]
Confirmation of Definitive Withdrawal.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [26.7 KB]
Certificates for Admission, Interview and Questionnaire for Profession
Certificates RoAPrep4ProfIntAssess.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [612.0 KB]
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© Five Franciscan Martyrs Region